Specific Images

Specific guidelines for using images such as the State seal and logos.

On this page:

Best Practices

The Louisiana Seal is used to indicate the authenticity and official status of the application or website.

  • Use the SVG file for web use. It will retain its quality and always be as sharp as possible.
  • Use the PNG file for print use or if SVG files aren’t suported. It may not always retain sharpness.
  • Ensure img-fluid is in the class list to size it according to its parent element.



Louisiana State Seal as a Scalable Vector Graphics image file.


Louisiana State Seal as a Portable Network Graphics image file.
<img class="img-fluid" alt="Louisiana State Seal as a Scalable Vector Graphics image file." src="/img/Louisiana-State-Seal.svg">
<img class="img-fluid" alt="Louisiana State Seal as a Portable Network Graphics image file." src="/img/Louisiana-State-Seal.png" >