
Tables allow users to compare and review large amounts of data.

On this page:

Best Practice

  • Tables allows the user to compare data.
  • Use accessible Table markup, like what’s provided.
  • Pagination goes below a table if you need it.
  • Use Tables to display tabular data, not for layout.
  • Use Cards for browsing content.
  • Use Tables for comparing data.


Table caption describes the data presented.
User Role Figma Trained Team
John Boss No OTS
Susan Developer No EA
Deborah Business Analyst Yes OTS
Rick Business Analyst Yes DOC
Kevin Product Owner No OJJ
José Tester No OMV
Bob Business Analyst Yes OMV
Jane Database Administrator No DOC
Todd Developer No DOC
Frank Developer No OTS
<table class="table table-striped">
  <caption class="sr-only visually-hidden">Table caption describes the data presented.</caption>
      <th scope="col" id="user">
        <a href="#" class="text-decoration-none" role="button">
          <span class="fas fa-sort mr-1" aria-hidden="true"></span>User
      <th scope="col" id="role">
        <a href="#" class="text-decoration-none" role="button">
          <span class="fas fa-sort mr-1" aria-hidden="true"></span>Role
      <th scope="col" id="figma">
        Figma Trained
      <th scope="col" id="team">
        <a href="#" class="text-decoration-none" role="button">
          <span class="fas fa-sort mr-1" aria-hidden="true"></span>Team
      <th scope="row" id="John">John</th>
      <td headers="role John">Boss</td>
      <td headers="figma John">No</td>
      <td headers="team John">OTS</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Susan">Susan</th>
      <td headers="role Susan">Developer</td>
      <td headers="figma Susan">No</td>
      <td headers="team Susan">EA</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Deborah">Deborah</th>
      <td headers="role Deborah">Business Analyst</td>
      <td headers="figma Deborah">Yes</td>
      <td headers="team Deborah">OTS</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Rick">Rick</th>
      <td headers="role Rick">Business Analyst</td>
      <td headers="figma Rick">Yes</td>
      <td headers="team Rick">DOC</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Kevin">Kevin</th>
      <td headers="role Kevin">Product Owner</td>
      <td headers="figma Kevin">No</td>
      <td headers="team Kevin">OJJ</td>
      <th scope="row" id="José">José</th>
      <td headers="role José">Tester</td>
      <td headers="figma José">No</td>
      <td headers="team José">OMV</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Bob">Bob</th>
      <td headers="role Bob">Business Analyst</td>
      <td headers="figma Bob">Yes</td>
      <td headers="team Bob">OMV</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Jane">Jane</th>
      <td headers="role Jane">Database Administrator</td>
      <td headers="figma Jane">No</td>
      <td headers="team Jane">DOC</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Todd">Todd</th>
      <td headers="role Todd">Developer</td>
      <td headers="figma Todd">No</td>
      <td headers="team Todd">DOC</td>
      <th scope="row" id="Frank">Frank</th>
      <td headers="role Frank">Developer</td>
      <td headers="figma Frank">No</td>
      <td headers="team Frank">OTS</td>
