Keyboard Navigation

Users should be able to completely interact with your application using only the keyboard.

What is Keyboard Navigation?

Some users, particularly those with visual or motor impairments, will use the keyboard to navigate your app or webpage. If a user can use the mouse to interact with a component, the same interaction must be accessible to a keyboard-only user.

What are the Common Keyboard Controls?

  • Tab : Navigates forwards between elements.
  • Shift + Tab : Navigates backwards between elements.
  • Arrow Keys : Moves between options, such as in a Select, Radio, or Checkboxes.
  • Enter : Activates links and buttons or Submits forms.
  • Spacebar : Activates Buttons, Switches, Checkboxes, or Radios.
  • Esc : Can close Modals or stop some actions.

What is Focus?

Focus creates an ouline (typically a light-blue outline around interactive items) around which element the user’s keyboard is currently situated. Although Focus may change based on your particular application, follow these general guidelines:

  • Unless there is a Skip Link, Focus should start on the first interactive element on the screen when the page loads.
  • Focus should never change on its own. It should always be initiated by a user action.
  • Focus should be obvious.
  • If an action causes the currently focused element to disable or hide, then Focus should go to the next logical interactive element.
  • Don’t remove Focus styles.
  • Focus follows source order.

Considerations for Keyboard Navigation

Ensure accessibility, so keep the following in mind:

  • All interactive elements on the page should be accessible via keyboard navigation. If a user can do something with a mouse, it should also be accessible to a keyboard-only user.
  • Users should be able to focus on every interactive element on the page using Tab (or Shift + Tab to move in reverse). These include buttons, links, toggles, and menu options.
  • Once focused on an interactive object, users should be able to interact with it using the Enter, Spacebar, or Arrow keys depending on the element.
  • Users should not be able to Tab to non-interactive elements, such as images, text areas, or other static elements

Special Keyboard Uses

Typeaheads/ Selects / Autocompletes

  • Arrow Keys allow users to navigate through presented options
  • Enter activates or selects desired option
  • Esc collapses the menu


  • Focus is always initially on the ‘Cancel’ or ‘Close’ option, unless project calls for a different behavior
  • Enter submits the chosen option
  • Esc closes the Modal, cancelling the action
